Counting a List? Think Twice!

2021-11-15 Elixir List

Counting a list to check whether its size is under certain constraints is the most common mistake I can see:

# Don't do:
if length(my_list) > 0, do: something()

As we know, regarding a linked list is noncontiguous in memory, getting the length of a list in Elixir/Erlang works in a linear, or O(n), time. So the above code may be slow when my_list is large. Do you need to measure the accurate distance to somebody in order to know she's more than a block away? You don't be cause there are better ways.

What are the alternatives?

1. Use pattern matching if you can

For example:

To check whether a list is empty:

def empty_list?(list), do: list == []

To check whether a list's length is exactly 1:

def one_elem_list?([_]), do: true
def one_elem_list?(_), do: false

To check whether a list's length is exactly 2:

def two_elem_list?([_, _]), do: true
def two_elem_list?(_), do: false

You may wonder what if the number is dynamic. Well, we can write a function for that:

2. A "list_not_shorter_than?" function

def list_not_shorter_than?([_ | tail], n) when is_integer(n) and n > 0,
  do: list_not_shorter_than?(tail, n - 1)

def list_not_shorter_than?([], len) when is_integer(len),
  do: len <= 0

def list_not_shorter_than?(_, len) when is_integer(len),
  do: true

3. Use the "Enum.count_until/2" function

We can also use Enum.count_until/2 or Enum.count_until/3 which were introduced into Elixir since 1.12.0.

def list_not_shorter_than?(list, n) when is_integer(n) and n >= 0,
  do: Enum.count_until(list, n + 1) >= n

It is worth noting that Enum.count_until is not for lists, but all enumerable data, e.g. maps. In fact, any data with the implementation of Enumerable.count/1 protocol works.


Never count a list to check if it is empty.
